Archadeck Outdoor Living

Archadeck Outdoor Living

We are a Virginia corporation incorporated on June 2, 1980. We were originally formed under the name U.S. Structures, Inc. In March 2014, we changed our name to Archadeck Franchising Corporation. Our principal business address is 2924 Emerywood Parkway, Suite 101, Richmond, Virginia 23294. As of the issuance date of this disclosure document, we do not do business under any name other than our own name and our registered marks “ARCHADECK” and ARCHADECK Outdoor Living.”

Quick Facts

Established 1980
Franchising Since 1980
Open Locations 55
Address 2924 Emerywood Pkwy # 101 Richmond, VA 23294 United States
Min $31,400 Max $103,550
Franchise Fee Min $4,950 Max $49,500
Previous Years Gross Sales N/A
Average Revenue $3,078,783
Min Liquid Assets N/A
Total Net Worth N/A
Min Credit Score N/A
Royalty N/A
Royalty Explanation $0 to $1,000,000 6.5%, Over $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 5.5%, Over $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 4.5%, Over $3,000,000 3.5%

