Mac Tools

Mac Tools

Mac Tools has manufactured products and offered distributorships for the mobile distribution of professional hand tools and equipment to professional mechanics for over 81 years. Until March 2007, Mac Tools offered through its predecessor its traditional tool distributorship in all fifty U.S. states. The traditional Mac Tools distributorship is not a franchise, in that there was no franchise fee paid to Mac Tools. In March 2007, Mac Tools began offering franchises for Mac Tools Businesses within Kentucky, while continuing to offer its traditional distributorship in other states. In November 2011, Mac Tools’ predecessor ceased offering traditional distributorships and began offering franchises for its Mac Tool Businesses in all U.S. states. As of December 28, 2013, after the corporate reorganization described above, Stanley Industrial & Automotive, LLC began offering franchises for Mac Tools Businesses. While Mac Tools no longer offers its traditional tool distributorship, many distributors that commenced business prior to November 2011 continue in operation.

Quick Facts

Established 2013
Franchising Since 2013
Open Locations 689
Address N/A
Min $131,621 Max $287,240
Franchise Fee Min $8,000 Max $8,000
Previous Years Gross Sales N/A
Average Revenue N/A
Min Liquid Assets N/A
Total Net Worth N/A
Min Credit Score N/A
Royalty N/A
Royalty Explanation N/A

