We are in the vending services business, namely installing and servicing vending machines offering food, beverages and other consumer items principally at business and industry, institutional and recreational locations. We engage in this line of business directly through our own branch operations. We also grant franchises for vending services and certain contract food, catering, executive dining, office coffee services and/or secured delivery services. Other divisions of Compass provide contract food, catering, executive dining, concessions and other food services using names other than “Canteen,” as described above. In some markets, Compass also has entered into franchise arrangements where it serves as franchisee or licensee for a number of quick-casual and fast food or coffee chains, including national brands such as Pizza Hut, Quizno’s, Subway, Papa John’s Pizza, Starbucks, Einstein’s Bagels, Dunkin Donuts, Panda Express and Peet’s Coffee, among many others.

Quick Facts

Established 1994
Franchising Since 1996
Open Locations 315
Address 267 Libbey Parkway Weymouth, MA 02189 United States
Min $8,350 Max $8,350
Franchise Fee Min $3,250 Max $25,000
Previous Years Gross Sales N/A
Average Revenue N/A
Min Liquid Assets N/A
Total Net Worth N/A
Min Credit Score N/A
Royalty N/A
Royalty Explanation Up to 5.25% of Gross Sales that are less than or equal to $2 million each fiscal year (3.25% of Gross Sales if you are in compliance with Canteen’s operational and purchasing standards) of all products sold through vending machines or of other services, including those in Note 4;

