

Jazzercise conducts a dance fitness program and licenses instructors to do so as well. The program’s aim is to promote total fitness through dance. Instructors lead classes through dance routines that are choreographed to popular tunes. Instructors learn these dance routines from videos streamed on the Jazzercise Routines Database. Jazzercise may change the medium (e.g., digital recording, Internet or other electronic transmission) by which it transmits the choreographed routines to you. Jazzercise currently makes choreography notes on its website available to you for download and printing. In addition, Jazzercise operates a division called “Jazzercise Apparel” that distributes products such as clothing, accessories, equipment and visual recordings bearing the “Jazzercise” name and any other names we develop.

Quick Facts

Established 1979
Franchising Since 1982
Open Locations 6,366
Address 2808 ROOSEVELT ST Carlsbad, CA 92008 United States
Min $2,415 Max $3,200
Franchise Fee Min $1,250 Max $1,250
Previous Years Gross Sales N/A
Average Revenue N/A
Min Liquid Assets N/A
Total Net Worth N/A
Min Credit Score N/A
Royalty N/A
Royalty Explanation N/A

Executive Team

Who we are

Jazzercise, Inc. was founded in 1972. The company's line of business includes operating health clubs, spas, and other physical fitness facilities.


Company Stage

2.5% Innovators
13.5% Early Adopters
34% Early Majority
34% Late Majority
16% Laggards
