Garage Force

Garage Force

Garage Force Businesses operate under the name “Garage Force®” using the Business System. A Garage Force Business provides products and services for residential garages, including the application and installation of coatings for concrete and concrete floors; the repair, maintenance and renovation of concrete and concrete floors; and the design and installation of cabinets and related storage accessories and organization systems. The products and services provided by Garage Force Businesses will be offered to residential customers in a developed market, and are generally not seasonal. You will compete with individuals and businesses offering the same or similar products and services to residential clients.

Quick Facts

Established 2014
Franchising Since 2014
Open Locations 55
Address Onalaska, Wisconsin, United States
Min $117,900 Max $185,600
Franchise Fee Min $49,500 Max $49,500
Previous Years Gross Sales N/A
Average Revenue $401,324
Min Liquid Assets N/A
Total Net Worth N/A
Min Credit Score N/A
Royalty N/A
Royalty Explanation 5% of your Gross Revenues

