

Dream Vacations is the #1 home-based travel agency franchise. Start your dream job & become a business owner today.

Quick Facts

Established 1992
Franchising Since 1992
Open Locations 1,287
Address Nationwide
Min $1,795 Max $20,300
Franchise Fee Min $495 Max $9,800
Previous Years Gross Sales N/A
Average Revenue $336,971
Min Liquid Assets N/A
Total Net Worth N/A
Min Credit Score N/A
Royalty N/A
Royalty Explanation The Royalty Fee is a percentage of your Annual CommissionableSales4 calculated as follows: i. 1.5% ofAnnual CommissionableSales upon which CruiseOne receives a commission of 4.9% or less; ii. 2% ofAnnual CommissionableSales upon which CruiseOne receives a commission of 5% to 9.99%; and 3% ofAnnual CommissionableSales upon which CruiseOne receives a commission of 10% and greater.

